Friday, December 23, 2011

Is it possible for a marijuana DUI to hold up in court with no physical evidence?

If you fail a field sobriety test that is good enough to convict. You could have also been on cold medicines but the fact that you can't p a field test is enough to say that you shouldn't have been driving. Doesn't matter if it was pot or something else.

Are we closer to communism or fascism today?

Communism doesn't exist so everyone is closer to Facism. Communism is a dream that cannot exist because it demands that their is no human nature.

Rock and pop: any one agree that Relics is the best Floyd album? Or, if not, why?

I believe ( Umma Gumma ) is the best !! Included in the album some hits like ( Careful with that Axe Eugene ) and ( Set the controls for the heart of the sun ) ! Find this and E N J O Y !!

Why would you "pad" train a dog?

You would pad train if you live in a high rise apartment building on the 82nd floor. I'm sure there are other reasons as well.

Remember when you used to be a little rascal?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I need help from Witches?

I recently came out of the broom closet to my best friend, he didnt really care but was sketched out, about a month latter for no apparent reason he snapped and said I needed therapy that I believed in nonsense etc etc etc. So I told him it was all a joke and Im slam back in, with witchcraft being a taboo subject, any similar experiences?

Lolita and Twilight- Is it a coincidence?

Yes, it's a creepy coincidence. Meyer probably read it and picked the names without really thinking about the implications. Edward's love rival has the same name as her brother!!

For a History ignment, I need to make a confederate flag.?

I've already used bed sheet fabrics and sewed them together. But my real question is: What type of paint do I use to paint the flag so that it does not drip and looks professional?

Who thinks Mike Knox is cool?

I like his new look of the long hair and big beard. He looks way cooler than he did when he debuted. I look at him like a modern day Bruiser Brody. I hope he gets a decent push on Raw.

Which story is er Pants (on Shrek Happily ever after) supposed to be from?

Do you know that chubby kid ,er Pants, from Shrek happily ever after who (in the beginning) kept saying "Hear th roar!" and also said "I love you daddy" Well what fairytale is er pants from? Because Pussinboots has a story, Pinocchio has a story but wheres er Pants from? Please dont say "I dont know" if you dont know then dont answer. Thx

Which player to start at Utility position?

Pennington. He has been playing great this year and is against a weak defense this week. With the return of Cadillac Williams we have seen Warrick Dunn's carries and production decrease.

Help please?! guys and girls opinion! i dont get why did he ruin it in the ending?!?!!How do i get over him</3?

Well it started in spring... a dance. i danced with his friend he dance with mine. mine didn't have a cell at that time, his friend didn't have a we started talking ALL THE TIME. i mean constantly! i was trying to get him to know my friend better and he was giving me info about his friend. i was so shy. so innocent. jus a 15 year old girl with not alot of experiance with guys but alot with fixing friends relashionships not braging jus tellin ya that im good with giving advise with that kinda stuff, back to what i was saying) so i was texting then he wanted to talk so slowly but surly i talked... normally i would let him but i started then time went on again. and i called up my friend cuz during whent i was talking to that guy she was telling me of how much she hates him this and that and she only met him once and only talked to him once! so then i called her on my home phone and him on my cell listening so then i said why dont you like (his name)? she started rambling on like no other! i was just like dammmnnn! (in my head) and so i told her hold on real quick someone is calling me on the other line... so i put her on hold and there wasent really someone on the other line so then i started talking to that guy, and i was like: omg i didn't think she'd say all that im sorry wow! then he was like wow umm just wow. i could tell he was completely shocked and so i was like i dont know if this is a bad time or not but i have started to like you and then i was like but i gotta get back to (that gurl) so dnt talk.. then i was like (that girls name) i have to go, that was my ma on the line an i have to do something so call you later? then she said yeah and we hung up. so then me and that guy started talking and i was so neverous cuz he was like nice timeing(being sarcastic) and i was like i know im sorry i had to tell you sometime then he laughed and i giggled and he was like haha wow... so we talked forever till my ma got home lol...... so again time goes on..==> i was going to Flordia with a g-pa and g-ma and a nefew... we talked every night cuz of time differences i would stay up all night talking to him cuz of time diff. time whent on i liked him more and more... an the day i will never forget<3 april 26th (; @ 12 he asked me if i would ever go out with him and i said yeahup(a word he always said) (; then he was like so now u's my gurl(; and i was like yah With the hugest smile on my face!!!! so the he said he gots to go cuz he's with his friends... next night i was jus so happy to talk to him again! he gave me a nick name that was jus soooo cute you have no clue: lil lady lol i cant explain it so time whent on i was just soooo happy being with him! and so one night he told me he loved me(same age as me) and i was just completely Wowed i was speechless i couldn't believe it! i was like so depressed and happy at the same time cuz i had to tell him: i cant tell you i love you too, i mean i like you alot but i dont know if i love you... then i studdered to ask him if he was upset(in my head i heard the cricket noise they make in movies when it gets silent lol) and he said no i completely understand... hes a very mature person. (an i told you earlier that i was shy an insecure) so then it came to time when i had to leave Flordia); so i came home and i talked to him every night ever day uhh wow everything was just so perfect... except i never saw him.... he lived not too far away but i didn't have tranportation either did he... but that didn't matter at the point i just wanted to be with him. and get to know him the best i could. so then that night came. I told him i loved him(right before we had to get off the phone(; he was like awww really? i love you too! <3 and we talked forever after that<3 omg i still love him with all my heart and i hate i mean i completely hate when someone says: YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TRUE LOVE IS! YOU CANT LOVE! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG! omg you have no clue errrg i hate it!!! i know what love is and they have no clue what has been going on in our convos but thats not for them to find out! so do not tell me that cuz it might jus be you that dnt know what true love is! no one really thinks about that now do they?!?!? errggg! that ugh i dnt know im jus errggg... i'll explain it: so that friend of his... back to him... well i didn't like him anymore cuz he told (the guy i was in love with) which the guy i originaly danced with doesent know that we even have a thing all he knows is that we talk ALOT! he told him i could get into her pants so easy shes so easy! and my guy just whent off (he said)! he yelled at him so much! so then now i dnt really like him! and another girl at the dance... not saying names. well she doesn't like me cuz i ditched the guy i danced with for the guy im with(i guess i should say without now) anyways so she started talkin at me(you cant use bad language on here... so i told her what happened cuz the guy i like didn't tell her straight of what he said about me

I have just graduated frm a gud engg coll. i want pursue consulting in mechanical engg. wat shud i do nxt??

well i have got job in oil refineries field. i am thnking of wrking for a couple of years and thn go for higher studies. i want to do masters in vibrations and subsequently be a consultant in that field. i dont know which courses to take in grad school. any light in that area wud be helpful.

What this means: "Help is not a four-letter word."?

That text above has already explained it! It's okay to ask for help when you need it -- "Help is Not a Four-Letter Word" means that you don't need to put it in the same category as swear words (which often have four letters!).

How do I get rid of all of these Scam emails?

A little over six months ago, I was winning the UK lottery about three or four times a week. Now my email is bombarded with those every day along with business proposals where they want me to cash checks for them (yeah right). I am getting approx. 150 of these a week. Does anyone know how they got my address. I'm thinking it's from or other sites I have visited. My question though: Is there any way to get rid of these and if so, how do I do it. I'm just not getting them from a few people. These are different emails coming from all over. All scams. How the heck do they get away with this. I guess it's kinda hard to catch these people. I saw a show on dateline about this and a lot of them come from Nigeria. I've been getting them from there as well as London and China. I just won a bunch of money from Queen Elizabeth's Foundation. How are people still falling for this when it's all over the place. I can understand people getting conned when it first started but come on! Help!

How successful is laser eye surgery?

I am an 18 year old girl who is shortsighted. I wear thick gles and I am considering the option of doing Laser Eye Surgery. I have heard the options contact lens and surgery would be ruled out if you have really bad eyesight that is why I want to do this surgery immediately before my eyesight gets any worse. BUT I am DEATHLY terrified of the risks involved such as blindness. I really want to fix my eyes because it is making me depressed wearing these thick gles all the time and doesn't help with my confidence. I feel like this is the biggest probably life changing decision I will ever have to make because it can either go good or bad.

Does all this ridiculous Bush bashing take attention away from the real problems facing this nation?

Bush this, Bush that. When you weak minded partisan politics drones pull your heads out and see that both parties are corrupt and both are pushing us faster and faster toward globalization?

In the Crucible what does 'In his presence a fool felt his foolishness' Mean?

This is said about John proctor and my teacher put it down as showing he was a powerful and respected man, but i don't understand this, i would think it would mean he was so foolish that even a fool knew so. Please help! Thanks (:

Where do i go to get help with housing for me and my 2 teens im disabled on SS how come there is no hel for me

Are you physically disabled? You need to make an appointment with your SSI case manager and they can point you in the right direction.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Please help me understand why you disagree with alternative fuels?

There is a super high performance sports car called the Tesla and what this country REALLY needs is an economy car, when are they going to take the technology of the TESLA and produce a practical little electric car?

How much is the Pink Hello Kitty Fender Strat worth?

Angelique, even though the Hello Kitty craze appears to be fading, these particular guitars are apparently still in demand by both players and collectors. Unlike many of the Squier by Fender guitars, these Stratocasters share only the basic materials; craftsmanship, sound, and playability are reported to be more consistent with the better-quality Fender instruments. Despite the price you may have paid when you purchased it, if it is still in excellent condition it could easily be worth $200-$300 to the right buyer. I have seen them advertised on eBay for up to $400 (see a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a for current offerings), but I think that is pushing the envelope right now. Still, if demand continues and the limited supply diminishes, it could appreciate in value and become a true collectible. Best regards, Dana

Can A P Plater In South Australia Drive A V8?

Just wondering what the rules are for p platers when it comes to what cars they can drive. I get my p's in january 2010 and i hear the laws are changing but im hearing alot of different things from alot of people and i just want the straight facts. Considering buying a V8 holden calais but if i cant drive it.. links would be good aswell. thanks.

Am I depressed or just curious about death?

Hello, I'm 17 years old. I've been having suicide thoughts for some reason and I THINK I'm not depress or suffering from depression. I think that its the curiosity that's bugging me a lot. I've been having suicide thoughts like laying on the street, hanging myself, suffocate myself with a plastic bag, provoking gang members to kill me. But lately I actually tried to hang myself. Like I used my tie to wrap it around my movie projector and stepping on a chair and tried to jump off but I couldn't because I'm afraid of dying and death. I take one step off and see how much pressure is exerted on my neck but then I put my feet back on the chair, take the tie off and threw it into a corner. I think to myself, "WHY IS THIS SO WRONG!?" And I also have thoughts like I reconsider not jumping off but then I slipped off then "accidently killed myself", as well as putting a plastic bag over my head to see what will happen, only in the end I'll rip the bag off and tear it into bits. I keep looking up for answers on why I keep thinking these thoughts. I don't know if I'm depress or curious or masochistic. A day after that happened I went around my house to find suitible hangins and found one in my bathroom then I tried again but once again I stopped short. I'm pretty sure I have Suicidal Ideation (thoughts of ways to die without actually attempting it) and MAYBE Parasuicide (Attempts to suicide but purposefully made to fail or caught) Please help me I don't know whether or not I'm Depress, Curious, or masochistic. Please answer this, I repeatedly think about my family and my friends. I understand how much effort and pain my mom is going through to raise me so I can attend college but at the same time, I got caught having a 3.0 GPA and my brother yelled and yelled at me for being so stupid and I began to cry as well at the same time thought "maybe its better if I just don't exist" I might be depressed I don't know to tell you the truth. Two months ago I experience the same thing but i never actually attempted, and it left my mind until my brother yelled at me. I'm getting pressured into getting good grades and I want to, I really do. Football took most of my time out of studying as well as my procrastination. Now that summer came, I have nothing else to do, so my mind wanders to thoughts like suicide and provoking people, I'm trying to get out of my house I really am, I can't wait till school starts so my mind can be focus on academic subjects and building/reinforcing friendships. please help me. just now I told my mom and grandpa that I want to donate blood. I donated before, but that was when I went under my mom's watchful gaze and donated blood for American Red Cross at school in April. When I donated blood, it made me feel like I still have a reason to live, to help people. I felt more human than I ever did that day, but now I feel like I'm nothing more than someone who feeds off my mom's love and money. I want my mom and grandpa to acknowledge the fact that I want to donate blood to save people. I can remain happy and confident for some time but the suicide thoughts sometimes sink back in and I become somewhat unhappy. I look up ways to die, but I'm like, "screw this I shouldn't be looking up these ways" Because I overthink them and I think something is really wrong with my Brain Chemistry, I don't know why. Also, I quited football two weeks ago and that left me practically nothing to do at all. A week later after I quitted football, I hanged out with 3 other people who also quitted football and I ask them, "why did you guys quitted football for?" They quitted because they didnt wanted to play the sport anymore. I quitted because I wanted good grades and football takes the time and energy out of my studying. I told my best friend who also quitted that I have sucidal ideation and told him whats my reason, and he told me that its because I still love football and I should rejoin. After that day, I feel rejuvinated because I think the reason why I keep having these thoughts BECAUSE I QUITED Football but I'm not sure. I'm going to rejoin football in three days. BUT SHOULD I STILL TELL MY DOCTOR OR ANYONE ELSE THAT CAN HELP ME?

Need a quick answer! Full points!?

I don't have the time to go through the stats, I need to know really quickly how many times the Maurice Richard Trophy was awarded to the player who was also the top goal scorer that year.

I'm confused about this?

I am trying to fall pregnant again and am confused by what my body is doing at the moment. My period always arrives like clockwork, except for this month when it is now 4 days late. I have done 3 pregnancy tests all of which gave a negative result. When I fell pregnant with my first baby I did a test 2 days after missing my period and it was very definitely positive. The only reason I can think to explain my late period is that I have just stopped feeding my son in the last 2 weeks and am thinking maybe that is interfering with my hormone levels and my cycle, but not sure. Has anyone had something similar happen to them??

UTI infection in pregnant women - common?

I'm about 4 months pregnant and I think I have a urinary tract infection. I hate going to the doctor and antibiotics make me sick, but I'm about to give up. I am going to try an over the counter medicine - the stuff that makes your urine neon orange. I can't go twenty minutes without feeling like I have to piss fire and my lower back is killing me. I heard that since my uterus is growing and pushing on my bladder that it can block drainage and cause infections. Is that true?

Pontiac G6 GT vs. Scion TC??

I'm looking for some input from someone who knows a thing or two about cars.....i'm 17 and my dad is going to buy me my first car, problem is I can't decide what i want!! I've finally narrowed it down to these two, but still just can't decide....what's your opinion? and why would you pick one over the other??? thank you :)

Survivor: Celebrity Edition (Episode 12)?

Kelly decides that she doesn't want to end up like past seasons, where an alliance looks really good to get to the end, and they turn on each other, and none of them win. She tries to convince Mariah to keep Omarosa in the game. She reminds her of past seasons, and Mariah starts to see that she is making sense. They then tell Jen that they need both Jen and Omarosa if any of the four of them want to win, and that she was set to go home. The three girls see Logan as a new threat in the game, and that he could easily sneak up and win. They bring Omarosa in on it. Both girls are not happy with it, but they know it's what they need to do to win. They don't want to end up like the girls in Vanuatu. They know that they need to get rid of who could hurt them in the game, but they still want to make the blindside seem like it will happen Jen gives up immunity to Maria, and Maria, Logan, and Will all vote for Jennifer, thinking that she will be blindsided, but Kelly, Mariah, Omarosa, and Jen all decide to get rid of their new strategic threat, Logan.

Can someone tell me why Atheism was invented by the Caucasian and more prevalent among them?

I have studied abroad various cultures and have debated so-called historians and came up with the same data,every non Caucasian living on planet Earth believes in something higher than oneself whether or not it's God as we now it.Caucasian people have shifted the belief to them self,thus allowing them to govern and rule over every ones belief,culture and reality.

At what age should I start using anti aging/anti wrinkle creams?

I'm 25 now and lately I've been thinking about starting a nightly routine of anti wrinkle / anti aging cream. Is it too soon or better to start now than when I actually have wrinkles? Also, what's the best product to use?

Vocal range predictable???

It depends on how developed their voice is. But you know, it's surprising because I have this friend (mezzo-sporano) and it's weird because her speaking voice is soo different from the voice that she has when she starts to sing. it's amazing. you wouldn't guess she had that kind of voice. anyway, for males, i guess it's easier because they have a certain timbre in their voice. but still, it's different for different people.

What are some more pop-esque country groups?

my friend really likes country music and to satisfy her i've decided to put some on my ipod. but i hate most country, i can only handle stuff like Rascal Flatts, so what are some country bands like them?

Need help with self-leveling compound under bath?

Any thin-set or level-set should work but, I, after rebuilding my joists and putting in a new floor, I also put in 3/4 inch plywood over the floor to distribute the weight, then I measured the area of the tub, put it in and draw around it, then I put about four bags of thin-set down and worked the tub into it. This of course was after I made sure I had all the lines level and everything was in place. The tub now sits in about 160 pounds of thin-set and is as solid as a rock, no noise, no shifting. I believe if your going to do a job, do it right the first time. My son-in-law wouldn't listen, now whenever the kids take a bath, it sounds like someone on drums upstairs.

Was released from pain management for non compliance what now?

I am two months post opt. lower lumbar fusion with hardware. since the surgery i have been in great pain i was taking dialudid 5x a day. i had a near fall about two weeks ago. and was rushed to the e.r. were i informed the e.r.doc i was taking dialudid. however she told me that dilaudid was only for breakthrough pain only and wrote me a script for percocet 10/325. for long term pain control needless to say when i went back to my pain management. i was released from his care for violating the narcotic agreement i signed back in i have no meds feel awful and don't know were to turn to.if anyone else has ever gone through anything like this i would love to know what you did. and what advice you may offer many thanks.

Does Rutgers New Brunswick Campus have billiard / pool table? Where?

They probably do, but specifically where~? (ex. which camus building like Busch campus or recreation center etc.) Also is there sport / recreation club for it too? love eight ball :)

Unique boy names that begin with "D" needed! HELP!?

I am expecting my first child (a boy) in May. The father has a thing with having his boys have a name that starts with "D"... I am going to try and stick with that, but I am not 100% committed to it or anything (still open to names that don't begin with D." **I cannot have the name Don, Del, Dante, Dustin, David, Daniel, etc. as those have all been taken by his family or mine** I need help... I am stumped and not liking hardly any D names that people suggest. :-( I liked the name Dyson but I'm pretty sure everyone hates that name. And the dad likes Desmond and Dameon and I don't like those very much. :-( Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllpppp

Why do people who have absolutely no business owning a dog get one?

And why do people get powerful breeds (mastiffs, rotties, pits) if they don't have the adequate home/lifestyle/leadership? And why don't people spay and neuter their dogs? If they aren't show dogs you have NO reason not to! Don't breed your dog because it's "cute"! You have NO right to when hundreds of dogs die in shelters every day! Why as humans have we let dogs down so much? Look at the shelters if you don't believe me...

What is a good over the counter male enhancement?

Try l-arginine 500 mg. Converted to nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator. Lots of free radicals, so take some omega-3 , too. You can get it at vitamin shops, GNC,other Health Food stores.

Do you think ichigo is a not getting with rukia?

lol can you imagine how long its been since ichigo has jacked off lol but anyway back to the question, he lives wih her.... so like yu would think he would atleast get with her im not saying but you know wat i mean...

Was my weed laced?????????????????????????

If it was laced with coke your lips would of went numb along with the throat going kinda numb, also they are called 21ers from where I come from.

Dr. David G. Williams - Library of Medical Lies?

Should I buy his book? In the pamphlet he mentions a beef broth recipe to banish arthritis at last. Help me please I'm 52 and I'm crippling up! The vicodin isn't working anymore.

Football fans! Are you usually fans of the teams of your states?

I live in Texas and pull for the Pittsburgh Steelers. I love the Steelers because they have always been the working man's type team and the Cowboys are not.

FreeStyle Street Basketball?

Well I was wounder, i bought tha game n paid but umm, it reallyyyy wasnt worth it personalyy, anyyways, ive seen people using bots, anyyyyyyoneeeee want to please share how i can get one?! cause lvling up takes sooooooo longggggg =\ forreal, or anyy hack or somthing.. thanks

Do u think my boyfriend is being honest with me?

ok recently my boyfriend and i quarrelled because i tought he was sort of cheating on me. He told me this " try to ask urself sincerly,would i ever cheat on you to break us apart.. i'll never do such selfish thing". He told me that and i just want to know if what he said sounds sincere and that he really loves me??? what do you people think??? does he sound honest??? i love him alot!!

Birth Control + Antibiotics = When to have ?

You can have whenever you would like....If you do decide to have definitely have your man wear a condom..Because the antibiotics decrease the effectiveness of your birth control!!

What size axles does my 02 tundra trd limited have?

i know it has 390 gears but i put 33 inch tires and i was just wondering what size axles i have cause i dont want to put too big of a tire on that axle. i heard my old 84 yota had 8 inch axles just shy of the dana 44s

Will this video card fit in my Dell Inspiron 531s?

I don't know, but I can tell you this. The idiot who thinks a Dell Inspiron 531s is a laptop is wrong. The 531s is a slim-design desktop.

Polynomial Equations?

The base of a triangular sail is x feet and its height is 1/2x + 7 feet, Which expression represents the sai'ls area? I Don't Know how to do it

Do you think people have the right to hate usa?

People have every right to do it. Not USA on the whole, but your f***ing government mainly. The government that killed thousand of innocent civilian people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, etc in their stupid attempt to rule the world. And you just can't stop! Yesterday's Nato attack killed 95 civilians in Afghanistan! What to feel except hatred?....

Countercurrent exchange in the fish gill helps to maximise...?

b, because the counter current ensures that the concentration gradient between oxygen in the water and oxygen in the fish is very steep, and the fishy wishy gets enough O2.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pain free dentist needed in Detroit area?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a then your zipcode and search. Then would ecourage a visit to: I signed up online over 5 years ago and saved thousands with this very affordable plan that was active in 2 hours.

The word starting with "abd" or "am"?

Hello, would you mind telling any word starting with "Abd", OR any word starting with "am "can you give me a couple of sentences please and tell me what is the meaning of it?

How do i get my rent deposit back?

i rented a house for 1 year.i put up $1100.00 security deposit.the landlord and i did a post walk through of the house.she found little things like 2 cracked tile ,small hole in drywall caused by the door knob.old closet door does not slide closed properly.i gave her 60 days before i called to inquire about my money.she sent me a suspicious looking bill saying that it cost her $700.00 to repair her home . i do not agree .what are my options.

Is this an example of the ideology of Satanism?

I think that you are thinking too deeply into a fictional book. The "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" pact was about pranks and not Satanic rituals. In the pact, it doesn't say about doing anything 'forbidden.' In the story, there was a line between good and evil, and the protagonist was obviously a good character that showed no instances of devil worship or cult-following.

Funny......for the girls?

first time i have heard that one mofitz 03 its very good keep them coming the jokes i mean not the p**sy

How can I load a washing machine onto my pick-up truck by myself?

I am a small woman, not all that strong and my truck is full-sized and jacked up about 6 inches. I have a dolly and rope.

Can you tell me the name of these songs just by their first line?

I only know number 7 "She Hates Me" by Puddle of Mudd. The rest probably isn't what I like. I love Heavy Metal from the 80's!

Valentines for the first time - labia problems, serious answers please.?

believe me he wont care what it looks like, my hubby loves mine but i think its ugly, i dont think he will be down there with his tape measure, just enjoy and be safe!!!!!

Rate my Pokemon Black Competitive Battling Team?

Very balanced u have the offense/defensive mixed into 6 . Ur team would destroy mine even though im a veteran . There is no 1 weAkness to ur teAm . Half my team is weak aganist rock so yeah ( go on youtube search "summoning leafeon" and ull see it)

What is the best way to write an article on editorial..?

I have found that, even if the article is good and timely, it will be killed if too long. Provide two versions: short and longer.

What makes a (Blue Water Sailboat)?

Like what determines a blue water saliboat i.e hull, size of mast etc also ive seen many diffrent types of keels some stretch from front to back of hull and some that are smaller and look like a shark fin under the boat lol Please help thanks

What do you think of my taste in rock music?

Pretty good list, I would add a little more Metallica and Slipknot. Plus you dont have very much older stuff, older as in the 70s and 80s.

I want to start a food business, anyone know what sort of authorisations are needed?

i'm thinkin to purchase a caravan and start a "remote sandwich shop", i havent got experience in the food sector,but i'm able to get hold of the capital needed though and can find someone to work for me, anyone been in this sort of business and can give me some advice in terms of where the place to start would be and what legal requirements there are? thanks for your help

Are we at war with Libya? What does a No Fly Zone mean to us?

slow down bucko ! america isn't part of the bombing party, only france,canada and the UK ! there has been no discussion of deploying troops from anywhere. we are just destroying airstrips and bombers to thwart the qaddafi regimes bombing civilians ! if we do send troops it will be on a humanitarian mission to restore order only if the rebellion succeeds !! JOEY the french shot down a libyan fighter jet several hours ago, as witnessed by BBC journalists, they have been flying reconnaissance all night to thwart the qaddafi regimes plans to bomb benghazi into oblivion ! where have you been ? also Britain,canada and france are scheduled to bomb libyan airstrips and warplanes this afternoon. so that declaration of grounding the libyan air force was a libyan LIE !

How do I setup quickbooks estimates and invoices to charge sales tax on line items?

I need to know how to setup Quickbooks Pro 2007 to choose between a taxable line item and a non-taxable line item. I have setup some (it seems) unsuccessfully. Help is appreciated and I am available via email!! Thanks!

Choosing Nikon Lenses (Nikon D5000)?

The f3.5-5.6 is the aperture opening from 18-55mm focal length. I sold my D40's kit lens & got the 18-200mmG VR for my D200, Great lens...covers about every shooting situation I come across (landscapes, mostly).

Im i the only person who gets annoyed when black people use the N word?

I don't know why some do it and i personally find it disrespectful to many who were killed due to slavery and racism. I once asked somebody why they use it and the person told me it empowers them. ridiculous. Want to feel empowered join the army or find a cure for illnesses but please dont stoop so low.

Non louisiana area saints fans please read.?

Not supporting the team in your state does not make someone a bandwagon fan. A lot of states (like mine) don't have any pro sports teams, so what are we supposed to do?

Please C programming Geniuses Help ME!!!!!?

May be you can search it at website like a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is money received from a annuity as an inheritance taxable as income?

If you're an American,go in person to the Internal Revenue Service-Taxpayer istance Division and ask to speak to a representave. They will be able to explain everything in detail and you can also pick any literature on this subject in the booklets they have for free.

Please Help: Fishing Advice!!!?

I want some freshwater fish fishing advice on what bait to use for catfish, b, brim, etc! I also want to know some fisherman's tricks or something. When is the best time to fish, and where? I live in Georgia by the way. Please help. I have been fishing for 5 days and I only caught two catfish and a brim.

What can I do?

Relocated to be with my H.S sweetheart,it's not working,he's nasty he's not the same person.He's a real azz hole.He don't hit me or nothing like that,but he has one of those mouth's where you prefer for him to hit you,than to say what he has to say.They stole my truck since I moved here it's terrible I have'nt found a job and I'm ready to go.And I'm glad I kept my apt in Va,Beach.The thing is I told him when the shop is finished fixing my truck I think I'm going to go ahead and leave because things are not going well for me up here,he acts like he don't even here me.I was talking to my friend and she said he hear's me,he don't want to hear me.I have a 10 yr old daughter from a 12 yr relationship and I don't want her to haf to be in the middle of no dumb shi#!Any advice please help?And he keeps comming home from work stopping at the house talkin about I just wanted to see what you're doing,like he's watching me.Please help!

Is it true that native New Yorkers generally say "tawk", "idears", "Petah" (instead of Peter), "baygs" etc?

Personally, I like a Jewish New York I have heard this happening also in the south. A native W. Virginian told me that most of the kids in the south really have no accent or are loosing their accent due to watching a lot of TV, which makes a lot of sense.

All Hillary supporters why does Hillary have more experience then Barack Obama?Please dont tell me legislation

Tell me anything but legislative experience remember Obama has been a law maker for 12 years. 8 years in the state level and 4 years on the United States Senate. Tell me the reason why Hillary is more experienced then Obama. Dont tell 2 more years in the United States Senate where they do nothing is more important then 8 years in the local state senate where they actually get things done is more important! Her first lady experience is no bigger then Obama being a community organizer

Has anyone tried planting the seeds from a store bought Honeydew melon?

Yes, I have. They have a Creamy Orange flesh, and they will get a waxy feel when they are ripe. Also, there will be a softness at the stem area.

Paint Asbestos Insulation?

Hello -- just bought a house with thin paper asbestos around the ducts in the basement. The insulation is not touching the ducts, only the wood. I am going to need to move some duct work, but not touch the insulation. I plan to drywall around the framing and enclose all ductwork along with the asbestos insulation. Should I have the asbestos removed? From what I have read the best option is to shellac the asbestos in place -- this prevents it from being friable. Then I think i could remove the ducts without fear of lightly brushing against the asbestos. If I do paint the asbestos, what is the best specific brand to use? All thoughts appreciated. Thanks, Tim

I hurt my thumb and now it is swollen, purple, extremely hurts, and i have little movement. What should I do?

Yesterday I went sledding with my friends and all three of us were on the sled. We went over a bump and the sled went into the air and landed on my thumb funny. I think i did something to it, but I don't want to get it checked because of basketball season.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How can i get $3,000 fast?

I need to fundraise about $3,000 to go on a trip with my school. I have a job but i only work weekends and will not pay for my trip. I need to get this money fast. What are some effectivce ways of fundraising? Something that will bring in a lot of money quickly!

Is there any person in the world that actually knows what is going on 100%, I mean all leaders are corrupt?

Now I know that there have been good leaders here and then, but each one has done a corrupt deal or negotiation, whether the public knows it or not. Even leaders, I'm sure, don't even know what some branches of their government are doing. But is there someone that truly knows 100% what going on, above ground and underground. If so, how do I get his/her job?

Why do my updates go so slow?

ok, well 2 of my games (burnout and prostreet) need an update to play online. And when i try to download the updates, It always says "There has been an error and you have been logged out of Playstation Network" Why is it doing this? and im using wireless internet. should i switch cord internet to make it go faster?

What is a scam, not what you are taught, but what you 'know'?

someone says 'all dating sites are scams' or 'for the feeble-minded' but they are simply repeating what someone supposedly wise said. do you as factual content know that women in the ukraine are not beautiful pure caucasian women, and in general take great effort to make a salary. not because someone 'said' but you know as a fact. please facts only no cynic without a brain for him/herself.

I need help?

I'm righting a story and I need a cool last name. The girl's first name is Dana so i need a cool last name, something diffrent not the advrage names.

Why do cricketers and tennis players wear white?

For those sports, white was chosen to allow a better visibility of the ball. Now things have changed and simple patterns can be worn, but that was the original purpose. As far as the dark cloaks for the desert people, I think it was more a limited choice of fabrics or that the dark colors do not show dirt as much. I am really guessing on the second part.

If your wife/girlfriend doesn't want you to give her , should you try and convince her to reconsider?

I could never imagine meeting a women who feels uncomfortable with the idea of a man giving her oral , yet is comfortable with giving a man . What could be the reason(s) for this? Should one accept it and not try and engage in this paticular form of with your partner or do you gently attempt to change her mind?

Has anyone ever purchased from or know about a jewelery store named 47st closeouts in newy york?

Im looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend and came across this website based out of new york...i called to see if they were real and they are and it has an actual physial address too...i am wondering if any of you new yorkers out there know anything about it or if anyone in general has ordered from there, let me know what you can thanks

When middle eastern men with child brides come to the USA with them do we allow them in the usa?

I mean i was wondering what the deal is do we reject this or do they have diplomatic immunity to abuse kids here in our lands? TY

Could you recommend a book from this list for a future book report?

I read A Raisin in the Sun in 9th grade. It was an easy read and a play. It's about a poor African American family and the mother got a big check and everyone wants her to use the money for something different.

The Red Badge of Courage?

in this book, when the flag bearer is wounded, who is wounded, the confederate or the union army? and whos flag does he pick up?

Is it normal for a gum abscess to rupture on its own?

yesterday, my right bottom gum next to my last molar was SO swelled up and pretty painul, and i took pain relievers and later on it just ruptured on its own. The next morning i wake and theres no pain or swelling and its basically back to normal. but, do I still need to go to my dentist, is the infection still there?

I want to lighten and/or fade my stretchmarks, any good regimens or methods I could use?

Okay, um, recently, I went through a major slump in my life. I had serious depression. My daily day schedule would consist of waking up, showering, eating most of the day, laying in bed most of the day, and going back to sleep, only to repeat it the next day. Well, a few weeks back, one of my closest friends and me had a heart to heart slash pep talk that made me feel ten times better about myself. I got out of my depression, but I had some lasting after effects. One was a new belly, two was a group of stretchmarks on my upper arms, upper back, waist and lower back. I've worked off the belly, but the stretchmarks are persistent. I know that you can't just get rid of stretchmarks, they're pretty much with you for life, but I do know you can lighten, fade or cover them up. Any regimens or methods to do these?

Jesus was born merely human and that he became divine later in his life.?

Jesus earned the title Christ through his sinless devotion to the will of God, thereby becoming the perfect sacrifice to redeem humanity. There are two key points in Jesus' life as stages in Jesus' theosis: his baptism and his resurrection. God had given Jesus his miraculous power and divine authority after Jesus proved his holiness. These concepts are in the Gospel of Mark and in the Pauline epistles.

Can you tell me a little bit about the war in iraq?

I need to write an editorial so I just need to make sure I have my facts straight. Any details at all or even just facts that I might not know or that may be interesting would be appreciated.

I think my husband has genital warts...How do I tak to him about it?

Well, since I was first dating my husband I suspected him of having genital warts... he told me it was pearly penile papules or whatever. So I was okay with it. Now were married I am getting similar looking bumps. Is it warts or...what? I dont have money to see a Dr. and I wanna ask him if he has warts but I dont know how to bring it up with out offending him. Help.

Why is it, when we're experiencing a certain emotion, we tend to gravitate toward music that has a similar

Many people are afraid of what they don't know. They reject it or make umptions about it. In a similar way, people like to be able to relate to things--a similarity makes this a familiar feeling, so music that relates to the emotional state they're in is comforting. If they're sad, it helps to cheer them up. If they're happy, it ups their mood even more. If they're angry, it cools them down. The upbeat, happy music tends to go with happier lyrics; slow music, sadder lyrics; hard, fast music, angrier lyrics--it's just a mold today's music tends to fit into. Whatever the situation, people like to relate, and music can do just that.

Is the S.A.T for smart people only?

I got a 1950, so I would know about doing well. But that was after my SIXTH attempt. I'm sure my first attempt was around your score. It is not difficult material, it is simply a tricky test. I know when I was in high school (2 years ago), the last thing in the world I wanted to do was study an SAT book, but it would be well worth it. If you go to Barnes and Nobles or some book store, you can buy a SAT Prepbook that has lots of practice tests with explinations of the answers in it. Take those a bunch, and take the SAT lots of times too...part of it is just being used to taking the test in a testing enviroment. I know one of the times I took it, there were a ton of distractions outside and around the clroom, and I bombed it that time. The nice thing about the SAT, is all that matters, is your highest score. With your GPA where it is, it is especially important to get a good score. In Texas (and I imagine other places too), a high score can get you into college. For me, my SAT scores were pretty much the reason I got into the college of my choice. Also, consider taking the ACT and PSAT...they are both tests recognized just as much by colleges, but are different in content. If you are pretty smart, but just hate tricky stuff, the ACT is great. It is harder, but not as many tricky questions in my opinion. Good luck!

$11,000 that was given to me by the govt bc of money that was owed to my father for disability, is it taxable?

If your father is still alive and the money will go to him, maybe it is not taxable. If not, it is a matter of inheritance but in that case why should the government give that money to you in the first instance as it doesn't seem to benefit the real beneficiary who may be non-existent!

I think im going crazy?

First off lets start by saying you're not crazy. You don't get thrilled from horror movies? Who does now an days? Nearly all the new "horror" movies are jokes that leave us dissapointed and laughing at the mistakes afterwards like the blind kid who so happened to be able to walk down town and climb through his friends window (not saying which movie). You laugh at things like and murder? That just makes you immature and childish. It also makes you a lot of bad things that I can't say since i don't wish to have my account banned. That does not mean you are crazy. You like to manipulate people? That has to do with your personality. You're a bad person basically. Nothing crazy about that. Might wanna watch it though, you're going to be a very sad lonely little girl when you get old as no one is ever going to want to be around you.

Baby names, like or dislike?

I think Makayla Jade is absolutely adorable! I also like Madison, for a first name. Jade goes well with Madison, too. For a boy I really like Hunter, it's so cute! It's cute for a child and masculine for an adult. Good luck! =]

What kind of car is in the new pepsi super bowl commercial?

in the new pepsi commercial for the super bowl, they show an old school bus. the picture then switches to a white car that looks like a scion xb. what kind of car is it?

What is this brown stuff coming out?


Monday, December 19, 2011

Will the Bush White House staff remove the "H" key from the keyboards when Obama takes over the place?

Non-partisan snarky answers only. The country and planet need wit and humor in large doses now days...

In The Proposal, what does everyone call Sandra Bullock's character in the beginning of the movie?

Aside from "The witch is on her broom" what else do the employees IM eachother when Margaret Tate comes in to work in the opening scene? Is there anywhere I can find this? script-o-rama nor simplyscripts have the screenplay, and IMBD only has the screenplay for the original draft and it is not the same.

Is it possible that people miscarry and do not discover this until their 12 week dating scan?

I'm petrified of having miscarried again! I have been so anxious since 5 weeks - when I found out I was pregnant. I had a "missed miscarriage" last year so didn't start bleeding until week 10, although I'd lost the baby around 5-6 weeks. I had a scan at 7 weeks this time and we saw the flicker of a heart beat. I am now 11.5 weeks but am so terrified of going to my dating scan next week only to discover I may have miscarried again. I felt pregnant immediately in my last pregnancy, had nausea, sore etc right upto week 9. This time the only pregnancy symptoms I've had are swollen s and tiredness. Is it possible to have miscarried only I not know about it yet?

What does chucking or throwing in cricket mean ?

What is chucking , what is the difference between throwing the ball and bowling it ? How do you know if a bowler is throwing or bowling ? This throwing saga has haunted cricket in the past year but what is throwing really and why is it not allowed ? How does a bowler get an extra advantage by throwing ? Why is it that most of the times off spinners and fast bowlers are accused for throwing why not leg spinners ? What does arm straightening mean ?

Going to the dock at night with a couple of

I wouldn't dress up. He's gonna hug you and feel free to hug back! but I am veryyy happy to see youre not going to drink cause im almost 17 and have the same mindset. If things get too uncomfortable (which they most likely will) dont hesitate to leave or tell them to back off or behave or something. This kinda sounds like a hook up? If you start to like him, then dont feel bad if he kisses you but trust me, he will move fast and try more. dont let it get too far. It sounds like fun though!

Thanks for everyones response about tiggy, I phoned the vet?

& had to take her & the babies this morning, result was the lump was no more than post delivery swelling & the blood was the kittens were quite big & we mums all know what happens when you try to push a melon through something the size of an egg !!!!! she is going to be fine though & the kittens are sooooo sweet,

Photo-Shop help (CS4 to CS2 compatibility)!!! An easy 10 points for quickness and correctness!!?

If it's already done, just save for the web. It's under the file tab. If you save the project, it should still look the same but you won't have the tools to edit any further.

U.K. and U.S.: what is up with this?

Hey talk to the FDA and the uk Medical Council ... they have slightly different rules for drug approval and that's why there is a difference in the availability of drugs in each country.

What should I sing for my audition?

I'd actually recommend a Josh Groban song. I know, I know, "Josh Groban, great. Whoopee." But a lot of his songs are right in the pop/clical range and honestly can be used well as audition pieces for anything.

In Obama's speech last night, he said he could fund health-care by eliminating fraud.?

He said that we could fund government health care by eliminating waste currently in medicaid/ care. So, why don't they just do that now instead of waiting until the bill is enacted some four years down the road?

Why do you need to be over 18 to view this content? it is supposed to be a fall out boy video?

Your Favorite Pad? Why?

I have the Reinsman Tacky Too pad. It's nice, it works. I use a regular girth with it instead of the one they provided.

I've been procrastinating since high school and need help?

I have the same problem. I've found that I put off doing it as long as I can, but once I start working, I am focused and sometimes get into the material I am studying. If you can force yourself to start your ignments, that is half the battle. Finishing them will be much easier than starting them.

Maybe legal? Check it out: Common Law Marriage, Mortgage, and ociate Benefits Laws and Ethics?

I am part of a really strong friendship between me, a girl, and a guy who is in the military. Nothing ual, we have been neighbors since birth, we are practically related. Ever since my military friend left we have always wanted to pick up and move to him and follow him to wherever he is stationed. Us two that are left are basically fed by a silver spoon, so our part time jobs have helped us save some money up while living at home, but we still don't make enough to live on our own. His branch offers extra benefits if he were to get married such as increased pay, ability to live off base, and extra pay specifically to pay for rent and groceries. We can marry the girl with the military friend, but not really. With these benefits we would be able to all live together like the good ol' days. I am guessing that ethically this is wrong, but maybe not? I am more concerned with the legalities, is this possibly legal? Are there any loopholes? How easy would it be to pull off? Any additional comments/warnings/suggestions are welcomed. Thank you.

Do you think my father should get me a new camcorder?

yes you should get a new camcorder. no, it shouldnt be worth 4,000 frickin dollars! i have a 300$ panasonic hi-def 16:9 video camera. thats dvd widescreen quality. its very good and comes with amazing video editing software. (chroma key, roto scope,lightsaber effects, ect). it also comes with a tripod for stability

How to get into edit mode in Halo 3?

Lol Go to start then there will be change game lobby there should be campain and multiplayer and theatre and forge the option he is looking for is forge good luck your a good sis

Why do some southerners still fly the confederate flag and say it represents "Southern Pride" when...?

It's less about the Civil War and more about our heritage. I was born and raised in the South, and I am extremely proud and grateful to have been. There are many Confederate flags, and the one most represented is either the Battle Flag or the Naval Jack... The true flag of the Confederacy is the stars and bars which most northerners probably wouldn't even notice. I also think that since the KKK has decided to use it, it gives the flag a VERY bad rap (as that should). I prefer the Stars and Bars to the Battle Flag, as the Stars and Bars represents more of the South and less of the war itself. Anyway... Back to the actual question... I think most Southerners would agree that the Civil War was a tragedy for both sides. I love the South because of it's hospitality, because of it's great food and sense of humor, because of it's hard work ethic but laid back attitude. This is what I think of when I see someone flying the flag. I also know several people who fly the flag who are NOT racist at all, and who are the kindest people you will ever meet. The flag is a part of this culture and still very special to those who fly it.

Can someone steal my identity with a state ID?

I will fully admit that I made the idiotic mistake of letting a girl I know borrow my state ID so she could see if she could get into a bar. Shes 20, and let me add looks nothing like me so I doubt it works for her, but anywho, she won't give it back to me now. I know, I fault completely! Any ID is replaceable, but my concern is that my identity may be in jeopardy. I know people lose IDs all the time so I don't think its very likely. And can I report it lost just in case she tries to use it again? so she won't get away with it? Thank you for all advice, and please refrain from telling me what a stupid decision I made because I unfortunately already know it!



Where i get darkrai? pokemon diamond?

hey you should know me and to get darkrai is to beat the elite4 and then get the national dex and then go to canaclave city and go 2 sailor edrith's house you'll find a sick boy in bed about bad nightmares go 2 the sailor near the house and talk to him to bring you 2 full moon island and meet cresslia and then get the lunar wing but make sure you saved before going to the island and then go back give the boy the wing to cure him and then go to the poke market talk to the cashier where you purchased items and he'll give you a members card then you go 2 the harbor's inn then you'll know wat happens when your in there oh my friend code is 0430 4958 9686 and name is Alvin

Soo tired of feeling lonely idk what to change?

I'm exactly like you ... But we have the problem to just people quickly , but you'll need to change your behaivor, and try to know better each person ... I belive you'll find your mr. right some day :D

You think Sidney Crosby stays as the point leader and be the MVP and win the Stanley Cup in the same season?

I know the first two will happen but I think our team is way too young to wi na Stanley Cup (I live in Pittsburgh)

He said that I was everything he wanted!?

You can remain his friend in the long run. Chances are being bipolar he will not really ever get over his issues anyhow. Sure it hurts but there is only one life for you to live, live it happy, not negatively!

Does Frontline prevent my cat from flea infestations?

fo sho! sorry that was weird but yeah! i've used it on my dogs/cats and BAM fleas are gone! i'm sure it'll work on a bunny!

Do You Feel Upset Or Condemn Someone Who Rejects Your Spiritual Beliefs For Another?

G-d reveals in light. If a friend of mine embraced something I could not understand I would continue to love him or her, but I'm not sure how happy I could be for them. I don;t believe G-d has revealed himself fully yet, and we may be surprised at what he really is, but I do believe my faith and the New Testament are the closest we've come to understanding G-d, at present.

How long can you keep chicken in the fridge before it goes bad?

No more than two to three days but always check the package for the expiration/use by date as well and use it by then.

Fantasy Football Changes. Setting Lineup?

Drew Brees at QB. Reggie Wayne, Calvin Johnson, and Braylon Edwards at wideout. AP and Thomas Jones at RB.

American atheists: Your opinion on this poll?

the puritans came with christianity on their minds. they practiced christianity and enforced its laws. however, with establishing the new republican, christianity was not to be considered a state religion. the constitution would guarantee freedom of religion.

How do I last to the end of the year in this school?

Quit your job and find something that makes you feel less depressed. Honestly, only someone who grew up in an environment like theirs would ever be successful working there. You should be working at a better school. I would not waste my time there. Life is too short to not want to get up in the morning.

What's in the D drive?

If the D drive is already full then I won't need to put files on a disc right? it haves a copy of all the files on the compter in the D drive right? So then I can just go on ahad and reformat it?

Two guys. I like both! Who do I choose?

date them both #1 you know and #2 you try and figure out...............then choose, in the meantime you may find a #3

Why are chimneys left standing when a house is demolished?

I have noticed on a ton of demolished houses that the brick chimney is left up, when all of the rest of the home is gone. Does anyone have any idea why they would leave that up?

Please Help, lugnut screw on wheel stripped?

Depends on the vehicle. Some lugs can be replaced, but the rotor or drum will have to be removed to do so.

What countries army ged Hitler during WWI?

Was it Britain, US, French or some other country? I don't think it could have been Russia they left the war in 1917.

Does myxomatosis stay in hutches?

I hope yoy find tis site useful. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Fx5 and mag pump for aquarium water change help?

Hi I have a fx5 but not sure how the water change works I know that it has something to do with the purge valve. On another note I heard of the mag pump is a great way to remove water from tank to the sink or tub, but not sure how the mag pump works ?? do I put the pump in the tank and stick tubing to the mag pump while submerge in water and the other end of the tubing to the sink? I have a 175 gallon what mag pump do you recommend ?

Losing feelings?

My bf n I have been 2gether 4 1y 1m 3w n 3d n he told me hat he is startin 2 loose feelins 4 me n he said he doesn't know what he wants 2 do cuz we eachothers firsts n he was sayin how he is still young n there could b other options but we fell in love along time ago n that's wut's makin his decision hard n he says he still loves me but he's just losin feelins 4 me. n i dnt want 2 let him go yet. I dnt plan on being w/ him 4 4ever but right now i want 2 b with him n i dnt think he realizes that so i just need some advice on wut 2 do

Counting question ...?

If I have n items, and I want to make a sequence of m entries (m > n, with repetition) how many ways are there of doing it if I want to use all n items?

Do we have to be in a frat or any other student organization to run for homecoming king?

My friends have been urging to run for homecoming king this year, they say that I have great chances of winning, because I know way too many people on campus. But i"m kinda skeptical, because all the other persons that are running, are representing a fraternity or another student organization, and I am in neither of them, so I was just wondering

Sunday, December 18, 2011

How can i get my dog to eat?

I have a bichon-frise dog. At a healthy weight she should be about 15 lbs, but she refuses to eat. She usually hovers at about 7 - 8 lbs. she looks absolutely emaciated and it is heartbreaking because ive tried everything to get her to eat. Her ribs poke through are all visible and she has absolutely no fat. i leave her food out so che can pick at it as she please. ive tried many different kinds of food but nothing seems to entice her. the vet suggested putting olive oil on her food and that didn't help. she usaully eats about 3/4 of a cup of food a week. a few weeks ago i had to have her fed through a tube at the vet hospital after she collapsed. this problem has been getting worse and worse for the last 4 years. She isn't an old dog and she is not sick. i don't know what else to do. please help!

Was this an or not?

Yea that probably was! It can take different times for every woman. As long as you enjoyed it, wheres the harm?

Why is 10/0 infinity?

my maths lecturer told us that any number divided by 0 is infinty? i told him this doesnt make any sense but he wont listen? what is 10/0

Any solution to my Keyboard problem?

I think you have not used the keyboard for long time and i would suggest show the same to an engineer or shop wala and in case if you wanted to buy a new one and then would be cost around 750 - 2000/- it has differenet varities also. But i would say you can go for Samsung and it is cheap and best and all the best

PLEASE ANSWER, Is it possible for an okay singer to train and get signed?

Ah, you can do it! Just continue to work hard for your goal and I would suggest looking in your local phone book for Voice instruction or voice lessons to see if you can get a voice trainer to help you acquire the vocal range you want.

How far will we allow freedom of religion to get out of control here in the USA?

People come here, they bring their religion and convictions with them. We don't really go after the polygamists, we give them reality TV shows. So what happens when honor killings come to our "Land of the Free" ?

My step kids are lazy and rude to me!?

They're nice kids overall. However, their mom has no job or hobbies and caters to their every whim. She also lets them speak to adults disrespectfully, and they have no chores around the house. They're with us half the time and no matter how we try to guide them, they're straight up lazy. We only ask that they keep their hockey sticks and pucks in the play room, and put their dirty dishes in the sink (that's it!!!)--and they won't even do that. We feel like broken records, but I'm really tired of constantly picking up after them, and having them talk to me disrespectfully. Help!

More confusion.............?

I am sorry, that sounds like a miscarriage. Something similar happened to my neice recently and she did have a Mis. You really should see your ob just to be sure. Im sorry. I wish you the best.


Hi, im 12 years old and this might sound babieish but I REALLY want to go to kalahari resort in Sandusky ohio(im only 1 hour away) but i was wondering if it is to babieish for my age. some of my friends have been there and say that you have to be 42 in tall to ride any of the rides anyway, but whats you opinion because i dont want to be playing in the kiddie pool the whole time. thanks sooooo much!!!!!! :)

Can a bank recall a commercial term loan pre-maturely?

Can a bank recall a commercial term loan pre-maturely and sell off the collateral if it goes bust or performs bad, even though installments are in order?

One of my lug nuts on my car wheel wont come off?

i noticed one of my lug nuts for my wheel is loose i can push it in and out even turn it left and right with my hand but it wont come off? what do u guys think happened here the lug nut was overtightened and stripped? my other 4 lugs come on and off easily but just this one.

Do both these teams stink as much as they look?

Patriots and steelers must really be cheering hard to play the winner of this game. Getting the winner is a guaranteed invite to the afc championship game. Don't get the winner and you're stuck playing a real team like the ravens.

Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal?

No and I have no idea how you can do that? Now, when I was little, I did try to sleep with an animal, it would just be on the floor.

My golden puppy doesnt like friends one yr old?

so i hav a golden retriever that will be one next month.hes an extrememly good puppy and i am sooo proud of him.i have two small kids ages 4 and two and we have had him since january this year.he never once has bit my kis or anyone but about a monthe ago my friend came over with her kids .he daughter who is one was picking between his fingers and he all of the sudden bit her.not to hard just that little warning bite but still it freaked me out.i apologized like crazy and put him in another we umed she hurt him some how.well they came over again the other day and he was fine the whole time she was here but later on he was laying down and my son was hugging around his neck and her daughter was petting his back and he tried to bite her again!!!he didnt leave any marks but still i have no idea why hes doing kids can be pretty ruff with him and he never does this.we play with him all day.he is basically a third i dont know if i can trust him around other kids.he doesnt just come out a bite them but still this is so weird.we have kids around constanly and he has never done this!!!!its like he doesnt like this one girl in particular for whatever reason!!!!!!!!he freaks out by new men too.not that we have them around very much but he gets really scary when someone new is around!he is ver well mannered calm and listens very well!!!so thi is very out of character..please help.!

Daily eye make up...?

Hi!, for everyday makeup i think you should just start wearing products one by one, i reccomend this just so you dont have to get used to wearing a whole bunch of different things as once. I think you should start wearing mascara as your everyday eye makeup and then move on to eye liner and then choose a couple of eyeshadows you like after that. Good mascaras i'd reccomend are maybelline's great lash mascara, rimmel y curves mascara and maxfactor false lash effect mascara (my favourite one for two years)

In die hard 3, how did bruce willis and samuel jackson solve the riddle of getting exactly 4 gallons of water?

in die hard 3, how did bruce willis and samuel jackson solve the riddle of getting exactly 4 gallons of water using only a 5-gal and a 3-gal jug?

My husband had an affair, started say month of Aug.i did not find out until almost a year later,actually the?

following say july, i started checking the cell phone bills,never before i had no reason to no signs he was cheating he traveled on his job so there was no reason to question his whereabouts.i find out thru investigating, not from him admitting to it, or being honest about.he says the last time he seen her was like March.But the calls were still going on all the way thru June. I mean 76 calls between both of them i 1 mth, first thing in a.m. up until wee hours of the morning.For an hour sometimes.would you not say he was still seeing her, what would he be getting out of just phone calls. i believe in my heart he was still seeing and sleeping with her up until i caught him. i just want your opinion.he says it was just excitement.well then why would you start another relationship one on one with the same person, i feel like he was falling for her.he might as well have played the field if that was his reason.he seems like he was only committed to her,what do you think

Who does this rap from the 80's?

done to the beat of tequila starts out ; I was at the bar with my drinking team it was me jack daniels and my homie jim beam we were kind of blitzed and we were trying to behave when in walks a soldier he was from the fuzzy navel, and so on from there naming different alcohols

My macaroni & cheese is dry. Can I salvage it?

Add some milk or a little bit of chicken broth. Put the mac and cheese in a pan on the stove and add the milk or broth little by little as you stir it in to get to the consistency you want. Do this over a medium flame so you don't burn it.

There is only one employer exempt from the disability discrimination act 2005, Which is it?

The armed forces wouldn't be expected to make adjustments for physical/mental disabilities - that would be my guess anyway. And I can't think of a single exemption from discrimination which would be applicable to a newsagent.

Would you chew someone else's fingernails off for one million quid?

Note - You do not know if their hands are clean or not & you cannot request that they wash their hands first - would you do it?

Would they hurt already?

I am TTC and well I ovulated on the 11th. And well we babydanced the week before though today every other day. Well yesterday and today by bbs hurt! This is not normal for me. Also the seem swollen... Is that normal this early? Thanks!

I try to ignore it..but i have the urge to cry?

ok well this one kid in my cl is kinda always mean to evrything i say. like the othr day i was crying and he was making fun of me.. hes always doing this too.. in l.a he's rly mean and just keeps doing this evry day. these 2 boys kinda stand up for me tho. but.. yeah. but the thing thts making me cry a lot is my ex. hes nvr leaving me alone. he annoys me and like humps my desk... hes werid.. and hes always so mean to me he just stares at me and laughs then hes always talking about me behind my back. and sometimes i just cant take all this stuff.:P so is there anyway to make them stop.. or like wht sud i do? (btw i told on my ex once for making my cry and it didnt turn out to well..)


I think the above people have explained your questions well...but i will like to mention one point.... I think u r not at all aware of who is an Electrician and who are Electronics/Electrical Engineers.Dude, being an engineer is completely different from being an electrician... all the jobs u have mentioned like repairing T.Vs and maintaining electricity in homes etc are performed by the electricians and not by the engineers...In the similar way, Electronics Engg and Electrical engg are different too (although electronics engineering is considered a subset of electrical engineering). I'm myself an electronics engineer and it really felt bad what u think(or rather know) about engineers..Its my advice to gather full information before spitting it out at your presentation... because speaking of wrong data is more harmful than a bad speech.... If u want to be an engineer then first know about it... search what they do...which companies hire them and what role they play in today's society and what will be their contribution in the process of development of the country in the coming years.... always keep in mind that "A little knowledge is dangerous thing"... gud luck for your presentation

Bb10 who is now nominated?

on bb10 last night...did keesha end up using the veto and if so on who? who is the 2 for eviction now? I accidentally deleted the recording halfway through watching it where she went around and said to everybody, i gave libra my word and i am not going back now..anything happen after that in words exchanged?

Netbook choice help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

get the cheapest 1 with at least 100gb hard drive and 1gb RAM, theyrea ll the same. I think theres an ASUS EEE PC with the same specs

({Eyeshadow}) What colours/ procedure would I use to make my eyes pop?

take a pearlescent white or offwhite and sweep that across your eye lid, next add a dark amber color to the area above that, and with the white add a highlight to beneath your brow

My girlfriend took my and I want it BACK!! what should i do?

My girlfriend took from me and I really need it back. Ive had it for a long time ever since my cousin gave it to me at our fifth grade camping trip. I really miss it and how it used to just sit on my lap. Except I wont miss how it used to leave its she dead skin all over my bath tub. Anyways my girlfriend took it and now she says shell never part with it. Its hers forever so she says. WHAT should I do. is the name of my pet iguana by the way.

How do I CREATE TABLESPACE in Oragle 11g?

Your syntax in the second try seems a bit off in naming the relative path. Might try prefixing it with a slash so that it concatenates onto the defined Oracle path correctly and add '.dbf' on the end. Also see a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Question for Americans...?

You are not looking at America, Because the werewolves story actually came from Europe. So you are not talking about the USA as a whole, But you my be talking about Hollywood, & even these American movies is also shown over seas.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Govt of India to consider housing residents of small villages in the neighboring small towns . Any comment?

Many villages in India are small with a population of less than 1000. Some are having even 50 to 100.Providing civic amenities in such small villages is a herculean task.The villagers too do not find enough work in these places.

What would you do if you loved someone really and you tried to help him , and he insulted you ?

he did that many times , and i forgave him . in fact , he became loving insulting me and wait me to come to say sorry . i tried to help him in not being a gay . he is the best dude in my friends. he is smart , intelligent , handsome and cute .he hates being a gay . he is a good worshiper . we are in islamic country .i think he is a psychopath .he does not want to be a gay but he does not accept help too . the biggest problem that i adore him .

How can I make a bad toothache go away until next week?

dentists are closed until monday and maybe they'll give me some narcotics for the pain. But I need this pain gone now it's all in the right side of my face! I can't sleep or eat I want to blow my brains out it hurts so much! what can make it stop I bought everything ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen, orajel they only work for 30 minutes if at all. help!

Would they have gone after Bill Clinton if he had been from say, Boston and not Arkansas?

totally right,bill so ruled as president.they just could not handle him being from the south,but no one seems to call that discrimination.

Excrutiating pain in my rectum?

3 month ago when i had a bowel movement there was blood on the tissue sometimes a lot as time went by the bowel movements started to hurt, the doctor thought i had fungus in my rectum that was 5-15-11 then the following week after i had the bowel movements these excrutiating pain would burn me from my rectum he gave me all these creams fiber pills stool softner and sitz bath and even if i dont have a bowel movement these burning pains would come and can last hours, he said i have an fissure i am not sure if he is rite, i cant understand from the amount of food i am eating a day which is so so minimal like water melon 6 egg whites water and gatorade i feel constipated

in the USA: Conservatives Are Biggest Consumers?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Could Bush overturn the 22nd Admendment and do a Roosevelt and remain President for the duration of the war?

There would be blood in the streets. Besides, he is basically a lazy MonkeyBoy and has lots of money to make after his term is up.

Help me people!! (am I being TOO sensitive, btw I am a Cancer sun and moon)?

Okay so here is the situation... I don't know why I asked but I did. I knew it would hurt me no matter what he said but my curiosity killed me. I asked my Capricorn bf what his ex was like. So basically he told me how her annoying best friend who was always in their business was what made him break up with her. What really bothered me and made me so sad was the thought that if her best friend didn't exsist he would still be with her. I said so if it wasn't for her best friend you and I would never be? And when I started tearing up he said "who knows where life takes oneself" But to be honest that made me feel so empty. I know its like cheesy or something but I kind of wanted him to feel like we were soul mates or something. He told me how she was like a super genius and sweet. (we always joke about how I should really be blonde cause I am kinda.. well... dumb at least at logical thinking) I asked him that what am I and he said beautiful, y, easy and fun to talk to and crazy as hell. The way he said his ex was smarter than him made me have the impression that he likes that I am 'dumber' than him so he feels more like a man or something! lol I am used to getting attention for how crazy and funny I am and not my intellectualness... But anyways he said that he has me now and there is nothing to be jealous of, and I am special and blah blah blah. But why does it still hurt me so much? Is it because I am a freakking Cancer? do you think I am just to feel this sadness. I am not mad at him at all just sorrow filled. =(

Help with my coursework question, whats the difference between a preference and a situational molester?

my coursework is on Josef Fritzl and it asks weather i believe that he is a preference or a situational molester

Anyone know how lupe fiasco writes his lyrics, like his style his tactics his rhyme pattern, bar organization?

how does lupe write his lyrics, how does he organize his bars and rhymes. for example i notice the last word on each sentence matches the end of the last sentence.

Traditional Kurdish food?

Can anyone tell me some traditional Kurdish dishes and briefly what they comprise of. I want to cook someone a meal who is Kurdish and I want it to be a surprise, so I cant ask them myself.

(: kitty cat names :)?

celia,coco,cookie,cotton ball,ginger,ashes,bear,boots,Buffy,bunny… ball,ghost,hobbles,licorice,midget,panda… tat,etc,etc.My cats names are shadow,trinket,and peaches!Cats rule!lol.Good luck with your new kitty! ;)

How did WWI contribute to the beginning of WWII?

The Treaty of Versailles placed blame for the war on Germany and required that they pay reparations...(pay for the mess they made). This devastated the German economy, not to mention the moral of the people. As a result, Hitler came to power by promising to restore Germany to its former strength and status...( I over simplified, but that is the basic idea). The key lesson or thing to wrap your head around is the danger of demoralizing / handicapping an adversary to such a degree, that they are willing to follow anyone who promises to make things better.

Sims2 Seasons when you creat a family and add clothes to their inventory?

I went in and created my family, I seleceted an inventory named it and selected a folder I then added a bunch of stuff to that folder, I bought the house put the dresser in and then went to plan an outfit and hardly nothing came up at all. What am I doing wrong what should I do different?

Can anyone give me general prices for a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck in Thailand which includes free liposuction is $5000 US my advice is to contact they are great and they use 5 star hospitals.

Only fair for husband to get vasectomy after my two pregnancies?

My huband is being stubborn about getting a vasectomy. I have had one child (pregnant with my second) and only feel its fair for him to do so. I have already done iud's and didnt like it due to heavy bleeding and do not want to take hormonal birth control. Isnt only fair that he do something finally? Its always been up to me.

Does anyone else have a real problem with ...?

Oregon's football coach allowing QB Dixon to play in the Arizona game wih a torn ACL or is it just me? What is the point! I mean he thought Dixon could play the rest of the season with a torn ACL and what if he blew the knee out completely. I thought coaches were to take the high road and prevent a player from further serious injury.

The executor paid the final bills/debts with the money from dad's estate, are the heirs billed to pay it back?

If she paid bills for your father as an executor, and the money came from HIS estate, your FATHERS money, then you owe her NOTHING. She did not pay with her own money. She paid those bills with your fathers money, as she's required to do because she was appointed executor. Your sister has pretty big ones if you ask me. Was there an attorney to probate? If so, I'd make a call to the attorney. Good luck, she sounds like fun.

How to sue a photographer?

I was wondering if I could sue a photographer that revealed my real name to family and friends of mine. This has affected my character reference and my home life as they were adult photos. I did sign a model release with a stage name present, and he is now retaliating and sending people my real name including last name. what can i do about this? is this a big case or will it just result in him doing more harmful things like this.

Why did Fran "Drescher" Tarkenton make it to the Hall of Fame?

His stats are absolute trash, he threw for under 3,000 yards 15 years out of the 18 he played, he lost all four super bowls he played in, and his last year he throw over 32 interceptions. His QB rating is averaged at about 80.4 a year, at this rate, if Kyle Orton plays as long as he did, will he make it too? How can we possibly honor such a horrid player?

License points and insurance rates from speeding tickets?

It sounds like you are going to have a major spike in insurance rates. The increase will most likely be anywhere from 1.75 to 2.25% per point. For the Ticket in Machusetts, I suggest getting a Ticket Attorney, you'll save money in the long run.

Where can i watch gilmore girls on the internet?

i have seen all the eppys from season 1-5 but i cant find where to watch season 6 and 7 can anyone tellme where i can watch them for free

Why do so many developed and developing nations have such an unhealthy view of human uality?

This view of ual acts and of the naked human body as unclean or shameful has been in our culture for millennia and is likely a byproduct of Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in chronological order of apparition). Now, the strange thing is that it also features in non-Abrahamic cultures, but I'm not the one to know the answer to that...



Friday, December 16, 2011

My dog has a weird smell coming from her ?

She will probably be having her first litter of puppies this week, and everytime she urinates some slime remains hanging from her and a weird smell comes from there also. Any guess of y this is? Is it just natural since she will be having her pups soon>

HELP... Calculate focal length - beam of light involved?

I believe the answer is that they both have the same focal length and that it would not mater how far apart they are. Therefore the focal length of the converging lens is 24.5cm also.

What do most Law enforcement think of Reno 911?

I think it's hilarious. The movie I thought was funnier than the show. My buddy has a Sgt. in his department that actually wears those shorts by the way.

Need help finding song name out?

I heard this song on mth top 20 about 2 weeks ago it goes " uh uh ohhh now everybody lose controll" it a real upbeat song what is it called?

Most of the love marriages are failures. Why?

SInce, the youngsters are not look into the kind of mind, simply they look at the outser side of the opposite . Sometimes, they simply look into the richness.

Will i be sicker for longer?

Yes, in order for you to get rid of a cold you need to cough up the phlegm. Try buying cough syrup with an *Expectorant* in it. I recommend Robitussin. I'm surprised your doctor did'nt prescribe you this! An expectorant will help your body expel phlegm.

Re- post: are you tired of the lie Americans wont work read this ! swift info?

Ok first off the illegals and their supporters say Americans wont do these jobs. come on now look around you will see plenty of of legal Americans working hard i do one of those jobs as most people in my family do .Not everyone wants to be behind a desk i dont! now lets set this fact straight : Former employees are suing Swift & Co. for $23 million . The 18 former employees are U.S. citizens and legal residents who worked at a plant in Cactus, north of Amarillo, one of six facilities raided an a multi state federal sweep that led to the arrests of nearly 1,300 employees and temporarily halted Swift's operations. Wow Americans who did those jobs gee whiz. These plaintiffs are ... victims in a longstanding scheme by Swift to depress and artificially lower the wages of its workers by knowingly hiring illegal workers," said their attorney, Angel Reyes. "By lessening its labor costs and increasing its profits, Swift has severely damaged the potential earnings and livelihood of

Why cant i fly my confederate flag without you thinking im racist?

slavery was not an issue until late in the civil war. it was about the states rights and the north was pressuring the south with their ideas and beliefs. aint it quite ironic that the north sold slaves to the south but was trying to stop the south from having slaves?

The sound on my 5 year old TV has suddenly gone and sounds like i'm listening to it through a wall (muffled)?

Never had a problem before and sound is OK when listening through headphones? Has my TV given up the ghost and should I start thinking about buying a new one? The sound occasionally crackles back into life but only for a few mins.

Adult Question...Male Stimulation?

Ladies, does a man stimulating himself do anything for you? Most guys really like to see a woman stimulate herself, but does that do anything for you to see a guy doing it? I think it is more graceful and sensual when a woman does it then when guys do.

What Do You Think About This?

Sounds good! I think you should go into greater detail, so that the reader would be more able to connect to the characters.The names are alittle odd for wolves. I don't know if you want to change them, but if you made them more nature-ish, I think it would seem more realistic. For example, Star and Chase are good names, but Alison really isn't, not for a wolf. Try something like Grey, or Shadow, or Night, or Hunter, or Silver, or something like that. Otherwise, it sounds good!

Which restaurant is better Hard Rock Cafe or Rainforest Cafe?

I have heard a lot about these two restaurants but I can't decide which is better. I heard that the atmosphere in Hard Rock Cafe is great and its really lively but I heard that Rainforest Cafe looks great and also has good food.

What could cause an elderly cat to become wobbly?

Have her checked by the vet. She could have an ear infection, sore joints, or vestibular disease (often from an ear infection). Only the vet can tell what is wrong. Actually, in people years, she is about 60, so she still has a few good years left. Go to the vet because often, a problem nipped in the bud is much easier to take care of, than something left to get worse. Ear infections are a good example of this. Additionally, 5 lbs, is pretty light for a cat, so she probably should be seen. Something does not sound like it is going right for her to be so light. Our cat was about 4 lbs. when she was pretty sick. Take her in.

Are you starting to feel sorry for Raiders fans?

Oh you should have heard all the Raider fans in the pizza place cheering, and yelling, and cussing, and trash talking, and howling like they won the Super Bowl last night when they connected for a 57 yard ping play for a touchdown! ONLY TO LOSE THE GAME after a Darren Sproles touchdown in the last 20 seconds of the game! I ALMOST felt sorry for them as they quietly left the pizza parlor with their heads hung low! How about you? Are you starting to feel sorry for them?

What to eat as a healthy snack around 2:00 PM?

you could eat cereal, toast,gum (it doesn't make you hungry),cheese,cherries,carrots and rice kripes. i hope i was ALOT of help :D

PHP newsletter mail sending problem?

Maybe Gmail takes your email as spam emails. Try to find the PHP solution on a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I would like to apply for the position of God.?

Since God is in the same position for so many years dont you think we should overthrow his dictatorship govt. like the middle east?

Good Muslim Bad, bad Muslim good?

Sadly what you say might be true. On the other hand just like cristian beliefs are up for interpretation so is the muslin belief. A good person will no how to be both a good muslim and a good American.

What stereotype would you apply to me, I'm interested to see how other people perceive me?

So I'm into heavy rock/metal such as: Gallows, Cradle of Filth, Thrice etc. However I do not conform to the metal stereotypes. I'm a really active person; I work as a Ski Instructor and play a lot of soccer. I dress how I want, and is no way linked to the music I like. I'm also really into horror movies. I have smoke w33d but wouldn't consider myself a pot head. I'm totally against puting a label to a person, but am intrigued. I'm 18 by the way.

Can an encyclopedia have scholarly articles?

I need a scholarly source for my paper, but it has to be an article too. Can I use the encyclopedia?

Who supplies the Talisker Scotch Distillery with the bourbon barrels they use to age their scotch whiskey?

I'm a big fan of Talisker scotch and I'd like to know more about what they put into the making of their scotch. My favorite bourbon is Makers Mark and I've heard that Laphroaig uses their barrels for aging their whiskey. It's not a scotch I've tried but it's made me more curious. It makes me wonder if there might be a correlation.

Why do people get offended when...?

...when someone says they want to commit suicide? Maybe they have a viable reason for wanting to die, I mean some people actually do have really difficult lifes and maybe they feel it's the only way out, not that I support suicide or anything but why do people have to get so offended, there is this girl in my school whose parents took her out of out school after everyone heard of her suicide attempt, after they heard they were all ragging on her!, she's already in a delicate position why do they have to push her even more?

I need creative ideas for painting my room!?

My parents are letting me sketch out whatever I like on my walls and paint it myself. I don't want to paint the walls a whole colour, I want to paint funky things on the walls. Things like a purple giraffe, multi-colored stars, bleeding clouds, and just odd things that would add some color to my room and make people be like "Wow, this room is crazy awesome!".. any ideas of random things i could paint?thanks a bunch!

Intersection of a line and surface?

Show that the curve with vector equation r(t) = <2(cos t)^2,sin(2t),2sin(t)> is the curve of intersection of the surfaces (x-1)^2 + y^2 = 1 and x^2+y^2+z^2=4.



How do I get this s€ symbol off my keyboard every time I type an €s?

replace your keyboard? on laptops there is usually a utility to check the keys on the keyboard. look for it in your manual.

18 HP Engine HELPPP!!?

Should my connecting rods be undersized after boring my engine over +.030? not sure how it works? or what i should do after boring my cylinders for oversized pistons that are + .030 over.

Do vibrators work/feel better than manual stimulation?

Vibrators can certainly provide stronger stimulation than your fingers, as they have different levels of intensity that can be regulated depending on your personal needs. There are different shapes designed especially for certain spots of the body and there are different sizes—from very small and discreet to very big. But to be fair, for some women their fingers work good enough to not want anything else. It all depends on the person. I hope my answer explains the things for you! :)

How do you encourage a discouraged congregation?

I would suggest taking them out of the church into the community and doing some service. I know they're old and a lot of them are sick, but doing stuff together and making a change in the community is always encouraging.

American Airmen's Society Policy Holder?

Most states have a commission that oversees insurance companies. Try contacting your state government for istance. Good luck---

Remodeling kitchen....what wall color?

I want to decorate my kitchen to give a very modern look.My kitchen is a rectanguler in shape with big island at the center. I have white ikea cabinets and black color granite countertop and backsplash.What wall color, decorative elements to use? I havve $500 budget.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cell fone#...?

Nope, you cannot pick out your phone number. Your number is automatically igned to you. However, you can pick out an area code you want. Say if the city you live in area code is 615, you can ask to have another area code in another city.

Am I really an empath?

No that's what most people also think of first. It shows that your a sensible person who thinks things through before jumping in and doing something that could cause problems. It also shows that your a considerate person. An empath is someone who always feels everything that the other person is feeling.

How can I improve my listening comprehension of spoken Spanish?

Well I'm Latina and of course it's easy for me but my friends wanted to know how to speak Spanish and make sure you know the sounds of the alphabet and then start with easy words then make them into sentences then paragraphs then conversations and make sure you practice writing because if you write it say it and listen to it then pretty soon you"ll understand it and be able to talk fast like we do

Can someone make me an outfit that u would wear in Washington D.C. this December??

Can it b under or close 2 $100 i like stuff like hollister and AE and Aero and cute girly stuff like VS jumpsuits and stuff!!

BB USA, Could Jeff be SAVED from Eviction ....?Spoilers?

You gotta have faith, a faith, a faith! Oh my God! Diamond Veto! So that's the reason it has been taking so long for this veto ceremony, it is all making sense now, and the pieces are getting put together. The only upsetting thing here is, that if all of this Pandora buisness is true, Michele will be leaving, and not Gnatty. And I would feel really bad for Michele, I mean she won veto, she deserves to stay. If only Kevin opened his eyes about Gnatty.

Vincent Jackson, Greg Jennings or Bobby Engram..Worth it?

My guess, for now drop Ward and go for Jackson. I think that Pitts will be running a bit more now that they know that Davenport can do. Plus Rivers is heating up.

A question about panic attacks and the way you feel afterwards?

What are normal symptoms after a panic attack? I've done cognitive behaviour treatment and last time I exposed myself for a panic attack situation I calmed myself down, I guess I didn't want to get to the top. And when I came home it was the worst feeling I'v ever felt in my entire life! When I went to bed I had an intense feeling of wanting to run away somewhere, I wanted to escape from myself and I started to think about the universe and where to go, like jumping out somewhere. I really did not know. Just this whole panic. Horrible! My thoughts were moving in real high speed and whever I heard an ambulance or something, I was about to freak out. An now I've been told the only way to get rid of panic attacks is to face them. But I'm afraid next time I expose myself for a panicking situation and I stay in the situation to wait for the panic attack to fall by itself, I'm afraid I might go insane afterwards? I wonder what are some typical symptoms after having a panic attack and If anyone has ever experience this, how did you feel? I know panic attacks wont harm you, but I'm afraid my thinking might cause problems for me, and I might get this horrible feeling of wanting to run away again. :( I know these thoughts are common during a traumatic situatuon, because that basically menas my body is all sped up ready to fly. But I'm afraid next time I get a panic attack, my thoughts will start to rush and I'll go insane?

Can you calm me down a bit?... Or SHOULD I be upset here?

Well I have admittedly had an extremely stressful month with the holidays and my job. My new boyfriend went out of state for Christmas with his family. We spent all of Christmas Eve together, and then he texted me Christmas morning to wish me a Merry Christmas. Then I didn't hear from him again all day. Then today I texted him to wish him a happy 1 month anniversary(I meant it as a joke, he said the same to me after one week) and got no response. That was 6 hours ago. I haven't heard from him now for almost two days, and it's sort of pissing me off. He hasn't really made any effort to contact me at all. I'm not needy at ALL, in fact I'm usually very laid back about these things, but this time I have lost my patience. I want to feel cared about, and he's just ignoring me. It feels really crappy. Should I be upset here?

Does anyone know how to find a song with just a few words?

There was this punk/indie rock song I heard about two years ago and loved it but I forget the lyrics and I only remember partially what the song was about. It was a male band that sang it and the song was about chemicals and it sang about a few different people using them. One was a girl at a party or walking home from a party. I believe the song was sort or dark and depressing (and it just might have sped up at the end or the singer started screaming at the end).

Is it possible to be selfish against oneself?

A person can be selfish towards someone else, but can a person be selfish against themselves? In other words, examples could possibly be refusing to reward oneself, ignoring one's own needs, etc.

Can yiu take Zantac while on beta blockers?

Medicines in the US are the same as in the UK. The problem with medications is that no one can say for certain you will or won't have a certain side effect. As far as whats written on the label , to avoid lawsuits the makers of drugs have to put a warning that basically anything under the sun could happen to you if you take their medicine. However as a former paramedic , Zantac should have no effect on VT or a Beta Blocking drug. I myself take a Beta Blocker for an irregular heartbeat and Prilosec for acid reflux and have had no problems. You should be fine. I have to say SHOULD BE or you will sue me if you die!! LOL

Theres this song I really like but I dont know what its called can you please help?

It goes like this its like an R&B soul song. "higher and higher and higher" ........closer to my head......" then it goes "dun dunn... dun.... dun.... dun.... dun... dun...dun.... dunn..............dunndunn pause dun da dunn dunn......... closer to my head. im pretty sure everybodys heard it

Want full custody-how do we prove a mother unfit?

We have doented things since Dec. about my husband's ex being unfit for my two year old step daughter however, I have no clue if they will stand up in court. There were a TON of things prior to Dec. and people kept telling us to doent but I was trying to be optimistic and thought things would get better. They did not. In the four months since I've began doenting we have acquired PAGES of various things, just from her dropping off the child and the child's condition when she comes over. The mother is not a drug addict or abusive to our knowledge but she is under 21 and drinks. She has also been with at least 10 different men in the past 2 years and is now living with her boyfriend and they are supposed to buy her mother's house that she is living in (rent free of course... even though we have a mortgage and pay child support and she claims it is not enough...). In addition to that the baby sleeps in the basement while baby mama and her boy toy sleep upstairs where the baby cannot be heard or grabbed quickly in the case of emergency. She stated that the baby goes in the basement and plays 'for hours' and comes upstairs when a dvd needs changed (this is neglect to me). She basically said that she sent the baby to bed without eating her vegetables. The child did not eat them for lunch so then baby mama tried to make her eat them for dinner while she ate white castle. The baby would not eat the vegetables (she's 2, she's picky, I give her v8 juice and lots of fruits) and so baby mama put her to bed. There are other things such as the mother having a pitbull bull mastiff mix that almost attacked my husband and has left scratches and bruises on the baby, baby being dropped off in 50 degree weather with nothing but a thin long sleeved shirt (no coat), bad yeast infections that were not mentioned, baby being in way too small of shoes or way too big of shoes, baby being unbathed, being in the same pair of socks for a week straight, old nasty diapers (she actually dropped baby off at 8:30 in the morning in a full pull up and said she went potty that morning so the baby still had the overnight pull up on), and a ton of other things. I do not think the mother tries to be bad I think she is really just dumb. Would we be able to gain custody? Thanks.

Can I press charges if someone used my bank account without authorization?

I woke up this morning to some overdraft alerts on my cell phone. When I reviewed my bank account I found several checks posted to my account with the name address etc of someone else I don't even know. I contacted my bank and they canceled the payments and all the other future payments he had set up until next march using my bank account. I am going to have to close my account and open up a new one and redirect all my financial payments. This phone call took almost two hours and I cannot even imagine what a pain it will be to set up new payments etc. Then all the sirens go off, how did he get all my information etc. I have the man's personal information and maybe I am just being over sensitive but the bank didn't seem as upset as I was. Can I press charges through my police department or the police department in the defrauders area?

Is there any effect of having a unitary currency like the yen as compared with having one with a sub-currency?

I don't think so, beyond the necessity of writing mes of noughts, as the unit must be small enough to pay for small things. There might be more of an inflationary tendency, as things would increase in price over bigger steps.

A question about modeling?

Commercial work is a lot more lenient about height. Its the runway and high fashion shoots that require you to be tall. Still, 5'6 is pretty short but it does depend of the director, photographer, and the designer. A female model must be 5'7 - bare minimum for any shot at runway.

Need to convert wav to mp3?

You want to get the free Audacity sound recorder/editor, as well as the free MP3 lame encoder DLL, both can be found and downloaded free from just about any search engine.

Wat will u probably thought whn u saw ur underwear is gone whn u wake up?but u did wore it last night?

u are alone in the house , u had a nice sleep morning u saw u arent wearing ur undergarment which were there when u slept ...but now they are gone .....wat u gonna do ....wat u gonna think wat happened to u ...??

What happens if my previous employer didnt take out any federal taxes?

Dammit I'm bad with names, but your first answer is right. I would just like to add a bit of info from personal experience. I/we used to have a company and it was a requirement to file your taxes from wages every quarter. The times you file can vary,but you are required to do so if you have employees unless you are giving them a1099 at the end of the year. That would mean you would have to pay all of your taxes yourself, meaning double social security and FICA. I would consider asking the IRS if that is a reason to file a complaint. That is a very rotten thing to do to your employee.

How fattening is chinese food?

I'm 15. I'm a vegetarian and going out for chinese food tonight. I usually have a few small bowls of broth/noodle/dumpling soup, fried brocolli and tofu, rice, a fake duck. I am aware that this is a lot of food, and I usually leave quite full. How many calories would you estimate that would be?

Whats the Matter With Lindsey Lohan?!?,?

I mean its like shes planning this.Like O the next day im going to go hit a tree and p out then im going to go Get a DUI and o i better put these drugs in my pants pocket and the after that im going to be on every magazine with a picture of me ped out,i think she was trying to be like Paris Hilton Before she want to jail and like she can actually die the next day if she keeps on living like this.

Experience w/ fetal demise and cytotec?

I am not familiar with this but please visit because they have some good information on there. So sorry you are going through this.

I dislike most piano etudes. Is this heretical?

well there are etudes before Chopin. and etudes after Chopin. Chopin reinvented the etude. He was the first to have etudes that were not only a technical study, but a concert pieces as well. I suppose you find the etudes rather repetitive, using the same up and down patterns, etc etc. Why don't you try listening to some Rachmaninoff etudes. they are one of a kind. Try op 39 nos 1,5,6,8. they are called etude-tableux (study-pictures) and they really are beatiful.

Any Rly Fun Apps for Ipod Touch?

Even after I jailbroke mine with the opportunity to get many apps without cost, I got bored.. There's a limit to the fun to be had with these devices, I got bored with it after about a year.. Try some car parking games though. Oh, and for building, try Eden - World Builder. You'll like it, if y'heard of Minecraft.

What can I do to make Water taste better? I need to drink more, and I can't get over the taste. Help!!!!?

I drink lots of Propel & Crystal Light, but I have to add Water to my regimen. I just have a hard time with it. Any realistic suggestions welcomed...

I'm fairly new in the real estate business, I was wondering how would I look up #/site for Criss-Cross?

I am also a Realtor. Are you going after FSBOs? If so, the fact that they have a sign up overides any do not contact list because they have solicited contact.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Attraction to an older man. Is he interested?

Hmm....well, I wonder why he isn't asking you...however, if you're curious, you should simply ask...considering you haven't seen each other and you could approach it as: let's meet and catch up. That may work. When you see him, I'd do a hug. It is not in my nature usually, but if you want to appear open to more. Make sure he's single, your first meeting, make sure you casually bring that up, just in case! :)

Cell phone?

okk so on my cell account (i'm with AT&t) and it says that i have 0 Anytime minutes but i have like 2,463 rollover minutes so does that mean when i talk before 9p.m. i am getting charged?

Looking for a book with a title similar to "If I'm Still Talking, I'm Not Dead Yet."?

It may be an autobiography/biography. My mother-in-law has me searching for the book and I have had no luck as of yet.

I got this as an e mail today, is this legit?

If you didn't enter this contest, its a scam. But if your near London, you might check it out. If they ask you for money, bank account numbers, your home address, any personal information at all, it is a scam.

Ginger ale float question?

can i make one with ginger ale and vanilla ice cream i dont want to waste my soda and ice cream if it is not going to taste good.

If my neighbours cat pooed all round my lawn then ive scooped up most lumps but theres soft bits left will thi?

ever wash away? Its been out there now for months, but i have a toddler who wants to play out on the lawn and im worried she will get sick from this. Ive tried to clear as much as poss but theres still soft runny poo left in the soil around where the lumps were. Thanks

I need help with friends/guys and exes?

Okay so this is what happened. My best friends boyfriend broke up wit her. She was all sad lalalal nd i had 2 hear it over nd over again..she gets like the best guys in school then they dump her nd she gets another guy in a week. So anyways this guy broke up with her and now im frineds wit him. We always laugh and he pokes me nd calls me maid and stuff, so we r pretty good friends. And mi friend started saying how she is kinda pissed off at me about being friends wit him. So i said okay i wont tlk about it nd ill try not 2 hang out. So today i didnt even talk to him but when i was walkin wit mi friends 2 cl they wer sorta ignoring me so i decided to speed ahead 2 not be late 4 clsas. Then the guy catches up wit me nd tells me 2 wait up. And mi 2 friends saw nd wen i saw her again she was so upset nd then she finally tld me how we wer laughing nd i was flirting. So they did not even bother asking me first, just umed what happened. I mean we wer talking about gum and one of the teachers. So now mi 2 bestest friends r mad at me nd i had nuthin 2 do wit it, i wuld nvr steal him or date him, wer r just friends nd i tld her a million times. Now spring break is in up nd they r gunna prly hav a sleepover nd rub it in mi face nd tlk about me lalala. So what should i do? i know whats right and wrong and i think i did nothing wrong.

Spanish Speakers please help ?

the awnser is D ......and they do mean the same but their in different tenses and lk in english u say he plays tomorrow not he play tomorrow is just lk that...XD

What really grinds your gears?

Lindsey Lohan dancing around in her little outfits, half naked! What do you want Lindsey, are we gunna go out.....I mean what do you want. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!!!!

I need help with my son's reading grade....?

My son is in 3rd grade and is really struggling with reading. He knows how to read perfectly, but I think the problem he has is with comprehension / answering questions about the paragraph that he just read. Can anyone recommend a study book for 3rd graders or something online? Thanks in advance for any help and please only serious answers, because this is a very serious matter for me.

Which bouncer/swing is best?

I got the Winnie the Pooh Days of Honey (Hunny) swing...Walmart sells it among other places...I think it was around $100...have had it since my son was 2-3 months old and he is now's held up great, I recommend! It plays a bunch of songs and has automatic shutoff.

I'd like to know what u think of this?

It is pretty ordinary. You want to be a writer, then you need to learn writing skills. Enroll in some creative writing cles, do a lot of reading and write every day. Wait a few days or weeks and reread and edit what you have written. If you can't find fault in your own work, improve on it in editing, then you are never going to be a writer.

Can someone convert these measurements? (:?

You should Try studing maybe that will help but dont ask for the answers because im pretty sure your not dum.

I am thinking of a wedding brunch/luncheon reception... has anyone done this?

We are on tight budget so we thought a brunch or luncheon reception will help cut cost. I don't want to miss out on the wedding effect though. Has anyone done brunch/ luncheon; did you do the first dance, father/ daughter dane, bouquet toss, cake, and all that? Was there dancing for guests? What did you do? I know its my wedding and people say do it how you want. I am just brainstorming here.