Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Are we at war with Libya? What does a No Fly Zone mean to us?

slow down bucko ! america isn't part of the bombing party, only france,canada and the UK ! there has been no discussion of deploying troops from anywhere. we are just destroying airstrips and bombers to thwart the qaddafi regimes bombing civilians ! if we do send troops it will be on a humanitarian mission to restore order only if the rebellion succeeds !! JOEY the french shot down a libyan fighter jet several hours ago, as witnessed by BBC journalists, they have been flying reconnaissance all night to thwart the qaddafi regimes plans to bomb benghazi into oblivion ! where have you been ? also Britain,canada and france are scheduled to bomb libyan airstrips and warplanes this afternoon. so that declaration of grounding the libyan air force was a libyan LIE !


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